Saturday, July 7, 2007

Meet the women of Scrum

I wanted to point out that there are a number of female developers promoting Scrum, who may not get the recognition they deserve.

miss_piggyLast night, Mandy Wilson at Luxoft posted her experiences with Scrum in an article entitled Why We Scrum. She recounts first hand experiences at both her current company and those she worked for before. In summary, she says...

"When daily stand-up Scrum meetings started up, we met our cross-department distributed team and had a daily opportunity to discuss all the little questions and blockages that come up as you code and test. We came to a common understanding daily, and if we got astray from the feature vision the next day, it was still recoverable...scrum breaks down the barrier of departments, and gets a team communicating and collaborating. Many brains really are better than one."

Just out of Scrum Master Training, Faith Peterson has an interesting perspective on certification.

Italian blogger, Rosalba, has started a collection of blogs, articles, books, code samples and anything else Scrum or development related written by women.

And finally... Over at Danube, MJ has really good advice on Test-Driven Scrum development. This MJ is really not female, but the article is too good not to mention.

If you know of other Scrum developers or teams not getting enough recognition, please let me know.

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