Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tips to calm nerves before a presentation

In this morning's EnvisionConnect Open House, both of my Scrum teams will be presenting the product to Marketing and Client Services. This presentation is much larger that the routine Sprint Review Meetings. Many more spectators are invited.

freaky This seemed like a perfect time to discuss tackling nerves before a presentation. Being thoroughly prepared is the best way to combat nerves.

Here are some quick tips to better prepare and boost self-confidence early...

  • Verifying that all your props and audio-visual aids are setup at the location early boosts confidence and enables you to concentrate on preparing yourself.
  • Number the pages of your script or slides in case you get side-tracked.
  • Verify early that all electrical outlets and devices are functioning properly.
  • When creating your Audio-Visual aids, go large! To avoid interruption, everything should be easily understandable from the back of the room.
  • Thorough preparation for your presentation gives you the confidence that everything will go right.
  • And last but not least... Practice makes perfect!

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