Wednesday, December 12, 2007

We weren't always delivering products with zero defects

I promised earlier this week to provide the statistics I reviewed in my last public presentation. I will begin to keep that promise today. However, since you do not have the benefit of hearing the full presentation, you will not benefit from the full story of the many process improvements Decade Software has made.

Along the way, we have incrementally improved our processes, learning from the Rational Unified Process, Six Sigma, and others. Additionally, Kevin has invested more resources in the last year than any year prior.

I wanted to mention these little caveats to make it clear that I do not attribute our successes solely to Scrum or current leadership alone.

And with those disclaimers aside, let's look at the numbers...


During the life of Envision for Windows and it's related products, there were 8,596 defects reported, but—in spite of our best efforts—we were only able to close 2,221. Concerned with the defect count—and the fact that the 21st century web and smart-client technologies were improving usability standards worldwide—we scrapped Envision's user interface and began anew.

Two years later, EnvisionConnect had improved usability, but we seemed to be continuing our defect trend. A total of 472 defects had been opened, but only 190 had been closed.

We had to take measures more drastic.

That was about the time Kevin asked me to become a manager.

More tomorrow...

1 comment:

HL Arledge said...

I guess this is another problem of seeing a presentation slide outside of the presentation, but thanks for commenting. Others may be looking at the metrics the same way.
The numbers are not intended to denote anything related to the when defects were being reported—or when they were introduced. They are intended to denote whether those reported were closed in a timely manner.
Today, we close all opened defects at the beginning of each 30-day sprint. The metrics are just to show that we were not able to accomplish that in the past.
Thanks for the note,