Friday, August 29, 2008

Axosoft OnTime adopts Scrum in a big way!

I have made much noise over the past year related to Axosoft OnTime's advertised support for Scrum and the product's shortcomings in this area. I have also explained how Decade Software has found ways to work around those shortcomings—but soon you will not have to.pigflys

Hamid Shojaee made this announcement today...

"OnTime is an extremely effective tool for managing Scrum projects, but I think we can do a far better job in future versions of OnTime. To make sure we fully embrace Scrum for future releases of OnTime, I had our entire team learn about Scrum. I also made sure we had multiple team members attend a two-day workshop with Ken Schwaber to become certified Scrum Masters.

Axosoft has embraced Scrum in a big way and we have made Scrum one of the main focuses of the next major release of OnTime. More generally, OnTime 2009’s focus will be on Project Visibility, which will help every single OnTime customer, not just those using Scrum. But for Scrum teams in particular, especially those hungry for some burn down charts and other visualization tools, you won’t be disappointed."

To be clear, I love OnTime. It has increased transparency throughout our company. My goal all along was merely to hold Axosoft accountable for their advertising promises and help them make OnTime even better.

It looks like that has happened.

Thank you, Axosoft. I am overjoyed at the news, and I am standing by to beta test if you need me.

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