I promised yesterday to give you a sneak-peek at our new web presence…
In addition to the sleek appearance, the site is a game-changer for Decade Software. It is being designed from the ground up as a collaborative community where customers and staff can exchange opinions and ideas—with a section we’re calling “My Decade Software”.
Among other features, it will provide…
- User Community Forums
In addition to being the home of several EnvisionConnect User Groups, a networking and information exchange tool for clients, and a hang-out for Decade staff, our community forums offer areas of discussion on all Decade products and services and the industries we serve, and—best of all—registered users can subscribe to any forum or topic by e-mail.
- Surveys and Polls
Decade knows that user feedback is essential to making a good product great. That's why residents of the My Decade Software community are routinely polled. For example, you may be invited to participate in an in depth survey asking which classes should be presented at the user conference, or you may be invited to answer a single poll question regarding a product's design.
- Project Central
At Project Central, registered users look under the hood at Decade Software Company. In real-time, clients monitor what work is being done, by whom, and when the work is expected to be completed. They also can report defects or submit feature requests and monitor progress of those requests in real-time.
- Answers
Imagine a knowledge base that housed everything a user wanted to know about Decade's product and services, including information on how other agencies leveraged these products and services. Further, imagine a knowledge base where users could ask or answer questions and where they could tell Decade support what information was actually helpful and what was not. Registered users need not imagine. This knowledgebase awaits them in My Decade Software's Answers section.
- "Did You Know..." Articles
"Did You Know..." Articles have been a key tool of the Decade support team for nearly ten years. These tried and true "tips and tricks" newsletters for Decade products are available and searchable within our Answers knowledgebase.
- Product Downloads
Product installations and documentation are available to registered users, based on the security regulations of each agency. An agency may wish to make these items available to all members of the user community, or they may wish to limit downloads only to network administration. The option is theirs.
- Decade Exchange
Decade Exchange is a popular subset of our Downloads section that allows customers to share various resources, including reports, user-defined forms, page-layouts, SQL scripts, and workflow documents.
- Learning Management Center
Imagine an online school, where you could review lessons and take tests related to Decade products anytime your staff needed a refresher course. That "school" is our Learning Management Center, and it is available right now to all registered users.
- Agency News Authoring Tools
Not an hour goes by today when the media isn't discussing Environmental Health issues and concerns. Now more than ever, it is imperative that Environment Health regulators share information and learn from each other. Our Agency News is authored by any registered user with stories to share.
- Private Messaging
When forums and news posts are not personal enough, My Decade Software users have access to private one-on-one instant messaging with any registered user, including Decade Software staff.
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