Thursday, March 12, 2009

It is time to be transparent again

I’ve gotten several notes and phone calls. Readers want to know what happened to the avid blogger they had developed a love-hate relationship with.

Someone wrote…

“I know you were out awhile when your blog host had technical problems. Now that those are resolved, I’m guessing you’re just out of the habit. We miss the craziness. Please come back.”

Now, that was sweet……………but they got it all wrong.

For years, I’ve touted the virtues of transparency. I believe that trust is the key to growing a company, just as it is key to growing a successful team. Without transparency, there can be no trust.

The e-mail got me asking the tough question: Why have I not been blogging very much?

I tell myself that I’m too busy, but I’m at work at 6:30 or earlier every day, so I must be lying to myself.

The truth is: I felt I could no longer be transparent, and if I cannot be transparent, I would rather be silent.

Some folks were telling me…

“Stop bragging on your team’s accomplishments. It makes other teams look bad and feel jealous, and it makes what your saying difficult to believe. No team could be that successful. Talk about your future goals, and let your past achievements speak for themselves.”

While others said the opposite…

“Our company should never talk about what we are going to do. It makes us sound like our competition, full of empty promises. Don’t talk about any of our goals until after we have achieved them.”

That’s why I had a loss for words. I simply did not know what I could say.

Then, I remembered that honesty is still the best policy. When in doubt, just tell the truth.

So…………we're back!

Starting tomorrow, truth, trust, and transparency return.

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