Thursday, September 24, 2009

EnvisionConnect Batch Processing Faster than Envision

Customers and conference attendees have told us time and time again that financial batch processing in Envision was the fastest in the industry. EnvisionConnect, they also reported, is much easier to use, but not very fast compared to its predecessor. Decade's Development Team took that as a challenge, and early trials have everyone buzzing.

Smart Client Technology—the key to working on the web without giving up a powerful user interface—provides that all is processed client-side, including batches. Envision's advantage in the batch realm was its good old-fashioned client-server technology. Batches processed on the server run fast. The challenge in EnvisionConnect was to move the batch processing back to the server side without sacrificing the intuitive interface EnvisionConnect customers have grown accustomed to.

Through exhaustive research, careful prototyping, and much discussion with EnvisionConnect users, the Development Team provided a solution to a problem.

Perform Aging and Penalization and Perform Permit Billing are, by far, the most powerful of Decade's batch processes. From day one, EnvisionConnect was developed with a "hard things first" mentality.

Developers stayed the course with the batches, converting these two batches to server-side processing before all others, and in side by side trials—same data, same configuration, same hardware—these two EnvisionConnect batches now smoke the Envision batches, and they run in a fraction of the time it took the client-side batches to run.

In fact, Perform Permit Billing now processes half a million records in under one hour!

Want to know more? Join us at the Decade Software 2009 Training Conference, October 19th and 20th.

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